As per Official Census, Population of India has reached 1.21 Billion (121 Crore) in 2011 which is an increase of 17% from the earlier figure of 103 Crore of 2001. Although population growth rate has decreased but actual population continue to rise. As per estimates, it is expected that India would be most populous country by 2025 overtaking china. Gujarat Population Census Data shows that it has Total Population of 6.03 Crore which is approximately 4.99% of total Indian Population. Literacy rate in Gujarat has seen upward trend and is 79.31% as per 2011 population census. Of that, male literacy stands at 87.23% while female literacy is at 70.73%. Urban Population of the State is 42.6%, which used to be at 37.4% in 2001. Rural population in the state in 2011 fell to 57.4% from 62.6% in 2001. Ahmedabad is the most populated District in the State, with 7.20 million people, up 11.94% from 2001, followed by Surat with 6.07 million people, up 10.07%, as per Gujarat’s Directorate of census operations.